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My Business Definition

The first question you need to ask yourself is do I have a real estate business or do I just sell real estate?  If you want to build a real estate business you first need to define what it is…

Your Real Estate Business is your brand and a set of branded assets (Digital & Print) that should be well established in your community(s) attached to a well organized database of prospects (SOI, past clients, my vendors, etc.) sorted and qualified with a caring system of follow up and engagement, which builds the mental triggers of know, like, trust, authority, reciprocity, service and results, which in turn creates a steady flow of referrals that generates (appointments) a 90%+ conversion ratio. 

The above is a tangible item that can be sold or handed down to others to build upon.  Relationships is one of the most important parts of your business, and engagement leading to a real estate related appointment is the goal.  


Market Your Listings - CHIME


1. Simply go to your CRM

2. Click on Listings tab on the top menu

3. Choose your listing and go to the Manager Listings button

4. Choose the tools you want to use

Market Your Listings