AI Assistant

The #1 rated website builder for real estate professionals.  

An advanced and pre-trained AI ISA assistant helping boost your productivity and conversion rates. Powered by Lofty.

Turn Your Leads into Gold

Helps you save time and fits your workflow

Seize every opportunity to engage with leads across multiple channels

AI Assistant Testimonials

“The Chime BOT has been a game-changer for my business and lead conversion. Having an automated text BOT convert leads while I’m meeting with clients or out on appointments has resulted in more leads being converted and less stress on trying to engage with new leads when I’m just not available…”

Steven Myers

“I love that I can also take over the conversation and easily transition to getting the information. The experience has been wonderful working with my Customer Success Manager as well as the Product Team. They were very open to feedback and continue to make adjustments in order to help the AI Chatbot to improve its responsiveness.”

Dennis Lue Yat

Let's Talk

We are a USA based Company, located in Southern California (PST)